Exclusive online education for obstetricians and other healthcare professionals involved in childbirth.
Introducing a low dose oral misoprostol tablet for induction of labour
- a change to Australian practice?
Exclusive educational event for obstetricians and other healthcare professionals involved in childbirth.
Introducing a low dose oral misoprostol tablet for induction of labour –
a change in the Australian practice?
Event countdown
8:05 – 8:25 pm
Live panel discussion and audience Q&A
7:50 – 8:05 pm
Adoption of a new oral method of induction in the Australian clinical practice: what changes are needed? - Professor Jodie Dodd
7:20 – 7:50 pm
First-hand experiences with ANGUSTA® (misoprostol) in Europe: a practical approach - Dr Rikke Bek Helmig and Dr Lone Hvidman
7:05 – 7:20 pm
Overview of key clinical data of ANGUSTA® (misoprostol) - Professor Jodie Dodd
7:00 – 7:05 pm
Welcome and introduction - Professor Jodie Dodd (Chair)
8:25 – 8:30 pm
Close & Summary - Professor Jodie Dodd (Chair)
Live panel discussion and audience Q&A
Adoption of a new oral method of induction in the Australian clinical practice: what changes are needed? - Professor Jodie Dodd
First-hand experiences with ANGUSTA® (misoprostol) in Europe: a practical approach - Dr Rikke Bek Helmig and Dr Lone Hvidman
Overview of key clinical data of ANGUSTA® (misoprostol) - Professor Jodie Dodd
This educational webinar aims to update Obstetricians and other specialists involved in maternity care regarding the introduction of a new oral method of labour induction (ANGUSTA® - misoprostol)¹ in the Australian practice.
A summary of the comprehensive clinical data on the use of low dose oral misoprostol in induction of labour will be followed by presentation of first-hand experience in Europe since ANGUSTA® was first introduced back in 2017². We will explore practical approaches associated with the introduction of ANGUSTA® including dosing regimens, hospital protocols, use in special populations amongst other aspects relevant to prescribing.
To bring the conversation back to our local context, we will finish the webinar by exploring what the adoption of the new oral method of induction means for Australian clinicians, what the impact of the recent update to the RANZCOG guidelines for 'Use of Prostaglandins for induction of labour'³ are and what changes are likely needed in the Australian clinical practice.
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Identify key causes of historical JEV outbreaks, where in Australia this virus is most prevalent and why.
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INDICATION: induction of labour. CONTRAINDICATIONS: when labour has started, suspicion or evidence of foetal compromise prior to induction, when oxytocic drugs and/or other labour induction agents are being given, suspicion or evidence of uterine scar resulting from previous uterine or cervical surgery, e.g. caesarean delivery, uterine abnormality (e.g. bicornuate uterus) preventing vaginal delivery, placenta praevia or unexplained vaginal bleeding after 24 weeks gestation with this pregnancy, foetal malpresentation, contraindicating vaginal delivery, kidney failure (GFR<15ml/min/1.73m2), hypersensitivity to active substance or excipients.
SPECIAL WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS: should only be administered by trained obstetric personnel in a hospital setting where facilities for continuous foetal and uterine monitoring is available. Cervix should be assessed carefully, only recommended for use in patients with unfavourable cervix i.e. mBS <=6. Can cause excessive uterine stimulation. Pre-eclampsia, gestation < 37 weeks, membrane rupture > 48 hours prior, multiparity. Use in pregnancy: Pregnancy Category X. Use in lactation: breast-feeding can start immediately after birth. Use in hepatic and renal impairment: lower dose and/or prolonged dosing intervals should be considered. Paediatric use: no studies in women <18 years.
ADVERSE EFFECTS: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, meconium stain, postpartum haemorrhage, uterine hyperstimulation / foetal heart rate abnormal, chills, pyrexia, low apgar score,.
DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION: oral, 25 micrograms 2 hourly, or 50 micrograms 4 hourly. Maximum dose is 200 micrograms over 24 hours.
PRESENTATION AND STORAGE CONDITIONS: White, uncoated oval shaped tablet, 7.5 x 4.5 mm, score line one side, plain other side. Score line not for breaking tablet. Packs of 8. Store Below 25 °C.
NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE SPONSOR: Australia: Norgine Pty Limited, Suite 3.01, Building A, 20 Rodborough Road, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086. Telephone: 1800 766 936.
POISON SCHEDULE OF THE MEDICINE: Schedule S4 – Prescription Only Medicine
BEFORE PRESCRIBING, PLEASE REVIEW PRODUCT INFORMATION. Product Information is available from Norgine Pty Ltd on 1800 766 936
AU-OBS-ANG-2300032. Date of preparation: June 2023
Images featured on this page are for illustrative purposes only. Any persons depicted in these images are models and do not use or personally endorse any Norgine products.
1. Norgine Pty Ltd., Australian Product Information ANGUSTA (misoprostol) 20 December 2022. Accessed 10 February 2023 https://www.ebs.tga.gov.au/ebs/picmi/picmirepository.nsf/pdf?OpenAgent=&id=CP-2023-PI-01073-1&d=20230504172310101
2. Norgine B.V. completes important regulatory milestone for ANGUSTA® (misoprostol) in Europe for oral induction of labour. Accessed 20th June 2023 https://norgine.com/press_release/norgine-b-v-completes-important-regulatory-milestone-for-angusta-misoprostol-in-europe-for-oral-induction-of-labour/#:~:text=ANGUSTA%C2%AE%20was%20approved%20in,%2C%20Iceland%2C%20Finland%20and%20Sweden
3. Clinical Guidance Statement of RANZCOG, C-Obs 22 Use of prostaglandins for Induction of Labour. Accessed 5th April 2023 https://ranzcog.edu.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Use-of-prostaglandins-for-induction-of-labour.pdf
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