Now available on-demand, exclusive to Praxhub
Hosted by Norwest Private Hospital

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT) Issues in a Post COVID World



Event countdown

Coming soon to on-demand for Praxhub members

About this education

A/Prof Riffat and Dr Samuel will examine the common ENT issues across Adult and Paediatric ENT that are occurring in a post covid world and assist GP’s in diagnosing and managing these presentations.


Describe the common presentations in ENT that are occurring post Covid

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:


Consider the different conservative and minimally invasive options for management


Develop a treatment algorithm for history, examination and management of common presentations


Define the factors when deciding to operate and innovations in surgery.

Learning Outcomes

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This was an excellent outline of dyslipidaemia management by both presenters. The best on the subject that I have been to in the last 2 years. Clear, concise and useful.

Live webinar attendee
ENT/Head and Neck Surgeon

A/Prof Faruque Riffat

Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) surgeon

Dr Diaa Samuel

General Practitioner, National GP Facilitator Healthscope

Dr Catherine O'Neill

Your Presenters

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Details

This is an RACGP CPD Approved Educational Activity for 1 hour. 

Activity ID: 433923

Activity ID: 28390

The Provider of this activity is Praxhub and hosted by Healthscope. The details provided by you will be used for the purpose of facilitating your attendance at this activity and creating your Praxhub registration to enable your access to this and other on-demand content. If you have questions regarding the collection or use of your information, please contact
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  • General Practitioner (RACGP)
  • General Practitioner (ACRRM)
  • Other Specialist
  • Allied Health including Nurses
  • IMG
  • Other
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