The dilemma of nonsurgical painful knee OA – new options for knee osteoarthritis

How a new minimally invasive technique can provide durable pain relief for patients who have painful knee OA but are not currently indicated for surgery.


This education has been developed by Praxhub and the Interventional Radiology Society of Australasia (IRSA).

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About this education

Knee osteoarthritis (OA) is a progressive, degenerative joint disease that causes pain, stiffness, and decreased range of motion in the knee. It is the most common form of arthritis, affecting >20% in individuals aged 45 and over. The condition can progress over time and lead to disability, however there are treatments available to help manage the symptoms and improve function.

This education provides the GP with a understanding of how minimally invasive vascular embolization (MIVE) can be a treatment modality to offer instead of, or alongside, more traditional therapies such as pharmacotherapy, physical therapy modalities, intraarticular injections and surgical approaches. In the context of knee OA, MIVE is used to block blood flow to the genicular arteries, which supply blood to the synovial lining of the knee joint, which is often painfully inflamed in knee OA. This can help to reduce inflammation and pain in the knee.

Interventional radiologists are well placed to support GPs and their patients with these types of vascular embolization solutions. During this education, our GP moderator is joined by leading interventional radiologists and an orthopaedic surgeon to discuss patient selection and address GPs’ questions on vascular embolization in the knee.

This educational activity will explore what MIVE is, how is is performed, its effects for the patient with knee OA and how to access this emerging modality.


Demonstrate a framework for assessing menopausal symptom severity and for providing advice to women on options for optimal management.


Describe the role of minimally invasive treatment options for patients with painful knee osteoarthritis who are unsuitable for surgery.

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:


Summarise current evidence regarding the efficacy and safety of MHT and non-hormonal therapies for menopause symptoms.


Outline an approach to patient selection for where minimally invasive vascular embolization can be considered for patients with knee osteoarthritis.


Outline the effects of menopause on women’s cognitive and psychological health, including its capacity to induce menopausal depression.

Learning Outcomes

Interventional Radiologist & IRSA President
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Urologist & Urological Cancer Surgeon

Dr Nari Ahmadi

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General Practitioner & Medical Educator

Dr Paul Grinzi

Education Steering Committee

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This was an excellent outline of dyslipidaemia management by both presenters. The best on the subject that I have been to in the last 2 years. Clear, concise and useful.

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Activity ID: 31353

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This medical education activity has been approved for 1 CPD hour with: 

Activity ID: 605041

Activity ID: TBC

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Details

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  • General Practitioner (RACGP)
  • General Practitioner (ACRRM)
  • General Practitioner (AMA)
  • Other Specialist
  • Allied Health including Nurses
  • IMG
  • Other
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