Approx. learning time

2 hours

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Standards for Perioperative Nursing in Pacific Island Countries and Territories

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About this education

This course has been developed by The Pacific Community (SPC) in collaboration with the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons (RACS) and Interplast to support Pacific nurses in their clinical practice.

Based on the Standards for Perioperative Nursing, it focusses on three key areas:

  1. Infection prevention
  2. Patient safety
  3. Environmental safety

The course will take participants approximately 2 hours to complete. You may start and return to the course at any time.

By the completion of the course, you will be able to:

  • Implement standards of practice in infection control, patient safety and environmental safety
  • Ensure adequate execution of infection safety protocols.
  • Engage safely with patients in a range of situations.
  • Recall guidelines for maintenance of a safe perioperative environment.
  • Examine the practices of your own workplace in relation to the standards.

For any questions regarding this course, please contact the Interplast Education team at

We also encourage you to share your feedback on the course, or experiences with your colleagues, in the comment section below the education module.

Learning Outcomes

Sally Sutherland-Fraser

RN, MHlth Sc (Nsg), BHlth Sc (Nsg), Grad Dip Hlth Law Cert Periop Nsg, Cert Sterilising Tech, MNSWOTA, FACORN, FACN

Menna Davies

RN, MEd (Research), BEd (Adult Education) Cert Periop Nsg, Cert Training and Assessment MNSWOTA, FACORN, MACN

Consultation Team

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The full course is available for free on Praxhub. If you're not already a Praxhub member, you'll first need to go through Praxhub's quick and simple online registration process. 

How to access the course

The impact of this education comes down to making sure it reaches the right people. We encourage you to download and share the flyer below to help spread the word and ultimately achieve better patient outcomes!

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Pacific Islands Operating Room Nursing Association (PIORNA)
The Pacific Community
Royal Australian College Of Surgeons
Interplast Australia
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Pre-operative assessment and its role in Perioperative Management

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