The cough that sometimes kills - An update on RSV for GPs and Paediatricians



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About this education

The educational event aims to reorient practitioners in the community setting to the evolving epidemiology of RSV in Australia. While RSV can lead to children becoming severely unwell and hospitalised, the majority of children will be assessed in the first instance by their GP.

As RSV lay relatively dormant during COVID, most clinician focus was on the identification of that illness during the COVID pandemic. Relaxed COVID restrictions has resulted in changing RSV patterns and severity of infection. It is important to re-focus attention to non-COVID respiratory infections in children, with particular emphasis on children at particular risk of poor outcomes. Use of evidence-based care in the community and signals for escalating care to tertiary settings is called for. Emerging treatments and preventive measures will play a role in mitigating the effect of this disease.

Praxhub would like to acknowledge the Immunisation Coalition for their support of this education.


Summarise the emerging treatments and preventive measures for RSV that will become available in the Australian context in the near future


Describe the changing epidemiology, symptomatic presentations, and severity of RSV in the post-COVID restriction environment in Australia.

By the end of this activity, you will be able to:


Understand the pathophysiology of RSV in children, its impacts on at-risk populations, and capacity for long-term sequelae.


Outline an approach to clinical and laboratory diagnosis of RSV in children and the requirements for infectious disease notifications and surveillance.


List the evidence-based investigations and management of RSV in the community, and contrast that approach to the care given for severe disease in the tertiary setting.

Learning Outcomes

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This was an excellent outline of dyslipidaemia management by both presenters. The best on the subject that I have been to in the last 2 years. Clear, concise and useful.

Live webinar attendee
General Practitioner & leading medical educator

Dr Anita Muñoz

Paediatric Respiratory & Sleep Medicine Physician

Dr Vikas Goyal

Paediatric Respiratory Physician

Dr Danielle Wurzel

Paediatric Infectious Diseases physician

A/Prof Phil Britton

Infectious Diseases Physician

A/Prof Paul Griffin

Your Presenters

Praxhub is an RACGP accredited provider under the RACGP CPD Program

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Details

This medical education activity has been approved for 1.5 CPD hours with: 

Activity ID: 403621

Activity ID: 29058

Praxhub would like to acknowledge Sanofi for their support of this education. The sponsor had not input into the development of this activity

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